Your Free Work Life Balance Starter Kit

    Work Life Balance Starter Kit

  • Discover what is out of balance in your work and life by taking the work life balance quiz.
  • Discover the key to finding your own unique balance point.
  • Learn where to start your action plan to restore balance and reduce stress.

Three Work Life Balance Start-up Tools

Work Life Balance Quiz

Have you ever thought you needed more balance in your life, but just didn’t know where to start?

The Work-Life Balance Quiz is a great first step.

It gives you a snapshot of  your Seven Areas of Life, and which areas are out of balance.  To help you choose where to start putting more balance in your life, please take advantage of your introductory free half-hour coaching call. Contact me at

Life Satisfaction Wheel Exercise [PDF]

Work Satisfaction Wheel Exercise [PDF]

When you have completed the Work Life Balance Quiz or Work/Life Satisfaction exercises, email Diana For Your Free ½ Hour Consultation on the Results.


Free Workbook

Eight Savvy Steps to the Life You Want

How to Create Your Personal Path To Success and Work-Life Balance

Order your free workbook by contacting Diana at She will personally send your copy with no further obligations to you.

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Posted: July 29th, 2009 under Free Starter Kit.
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